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Biology and Consciousness Field Theory
A Structured Essay on the Nature of the Field Dynamics of Phenomenon in the Natural World
by Chris Freely
What is an organism?
What is a cell?
Cells transform materials into cells which is a demonstration of order and organization. A cell is experiencially isolated from its environment and surrounding cells, it has a sensory boundary at the end of its electrical/magnetic field and in its plasma membrane/cell wall. Each cell is capable of replicating (if healthy) new cells. A cell thus knows how to replicate itself.
A cell is a system designed around an organization which is a plan of development that maintains and expands the system.
What is order, and how is a cell ordered and organized?
(An) Order is the nonmemorized (not encoded into memory fields like D.N.A. or other memory devices) sequential serialization of a process that, in cells, is regulated and structured according to a program of development. A cell is ordered because its growth and division is governed by sequentially serialized processes which guide the expanded growth and division process according to a program of development located and encoded in the D.N.A. of the cell itself. Orders are executed through programs.
D.N.A. is the center of the cell's organization. D.N.A. stores the cell's program in its nucleotide sequences which are ordered into individual programs called genes. We know that genes are used to code mRNA which is used by the organelles called ribosomes to assemble proteins from their basic building blocks called amino acids. RNAs of different types are extremely important to the process as they regulate the process of protein formation from amino acids . Each gene is specific for a single protein. The actual program of development/organization is processed throughout the entire cell system. The organization or the program of development is for the development of the system.
A system is an expanded whole built on designed unity comprising many disparate elements. A system is defined by its borders and its central program of development, its organization. A cell is unified by its boundaries, the cell membrane or cell wall, and by its singular center of organization, the program of development in its D.N.A. inside the nucleus.
What is a procedure?
A procedure is an operation that when executed alters a process.
What is an operation?
An operation is a transformation or change.
What is a process? What is a field?
A process is an unfolding sequence of events that represents a whole series in a cause effect expansion through which a field or set of fields undergoes transformation. Processes transform/change fields, which are vibrational substrates (acted on by a cause, in this case the process). Fields, in this case, are the molecules themselves as they are assembled into larger molecules and disassembled into smaller molecules.
What is a program?
A program is a memorized sequential serialization interpreted by the system which encodes a process within a system. Processes themselves are also sequential, but not serialized. Processes are made of processes. A single base process performs one transformation on a field. Procedures alter processes within the process, an adaption of individual processes to changes in the environment. Programs encode orders and a program that is not a base program is made up of programs. A base program encodes a single process. A system orders through programs.
What is organization?
Organization is a program of development that regulates and structures multiple sets of orders which govern processes which transform fields towards the completion of a expanded objective of development(see Cause and Effect article). These transformations develop the system.
Organization implies separation, centeredness, and focus. There is a dichotomy between self (order) and non-self (chaos) in comparing the outside of the organized process of cellular life to the relative disorder of the physical environment surrounding the cell.
Recap/Additional notes:
Field - A vibrational substrate. In the physical world this means any form of matter. Specifically in molecular biology it refers to atoms or molecules.
(A field is the body of a spirit. A spirit is always rising towards the Spirit of All called Life.) The body is transformed through process.
Field Transformation - Fields change through transformation, which is a change in their structure by addition, subtraction, or internal structural reconfiguration. Molecular biology deals with atoms and molecules as fields. All transformation is induced through energy in motion (emotion).
Process - Processes govern the transformation of a field or set of fields. All processes have a beginning and end, thus processes are created and destroyed. All derived fields are also created and destroyed (the base field is possibly the quantum electron, but we don't know enough yet to know its nature). Processes are inherently linked to motion/energy which is the root of transformation.
Base Process - A process that only performs one transformation on a field. Example - A chemical reaction with only one step such as the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen.
Procedure - A process alters itself through procedures. Procedures are internal to process.
Order - A non-memorized sequential serialization of a process.
Program - An encoded, or memorized sequential serialization of a process. A memorized order encoded into code.
Base Program - A single program that encodes a single process.
Organization - A program of development.
System - A system is a metafield made of fields within a boundary. Boundaries are determined by observation objectively. Every system boundary represents the farthest reach of its outbound motion. For instance, the boundary of a atom is determined in this way at the edge of its electron shell. The boundary of a star system is determined through the boundary of its outflowing solar wind when it is overcome by electromagnetic currents of the local galactic space or where it is overcome by another star's solar wind.
Internal boundaries represent barriers to consciousness. A system operates as a vector of reaction collectively through a singular consciousness or through a singular core.
Data - Stored sequence
Code - Represented fields in consciousness through symbols by association in psychology and parapsychology. In systemology and biology, an internal mechanism of unconscious operations designed to expand systems through growth and division.
In the physical all higher process are carried out through physical fields, the building blocks of chemistry in the form of electrons, atoms, and molecules. Remember these are vibrational substrates, which is a decent definition of all matter. Thus processes, procedures, orders, and organization all carried out through fields. Different fields are thus the vibrational substrates of each type of higher activity.
For instance, glucose is simple a field that contains energy and raw materials, so it is not involved in any higher activity than this. Many proteins are involved in disassembling glucose and regulating the metabolic pathways involved. These proteins are intricate to the process of transforming glucose into ATP and waste molecules (CO2). Certain procedures exist in some bacteria that allows them to switch from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration when oxygen is not available to synthesis CO2 and take full advantage of the energy in glucose through oxidation. Here the process is altered, and new waste products such as alcohol is generated. All of this is done through the fields, the proteins, which are ordered to respond to changes in conditions. A lack of oxygen activates a sequence of alterations in the procedures governing the overall process of glucose metabolism. This is all ultimately organized by the program of development in the cell's D.N.A. (D.N.A. is just another field, and is the carrier of the organization.) which the cell uses to essentially remember the essential orders that maintain its existence and allow it to expand through cell division.
A cell must have both hardware and software. A cell is not a computer, it is more akin to a tiny machine than a computer as it is composed largely of moving parts. A computer is more akin to a brain which has no moving parts(1). A cell's software is its program of development which is contained in the system both in the data inside the D.N.A. and by the various regulation mechanisms contained in the cell's protein and R.N.A. systems. While the D.N.A. is the primary core of the program of development, certain other elements' of the cell system monitor and activate D.N.A. at key intervals. The D.N.A. does not perform the timing or monitoring of conditions in the cell, but instead this activity is carried out through ordered processes and procedures which are the specialized activities of proteins we call enzymes. Thus the cell system has integrated its program of development into several hardware fields, the D.N.A., the enzymes in charge of cell monitoring and D.N.A. replication and expression, and snR.N.A. and its associated proteins that decode mR.N.A. strands (interons and exons), without which actions the data on the D.N.A. would be useless. D.N.A. data in non-bacterial cells is encoded in such a way that it must be essentially decoded before it can be used to assemble proteins.
Hypothesis: Organization is nonphysical, thus spirit in matter can be proven by using the non-physical principles of mind encoded in the matter of individual organizations such as cells. Each organization would have something akin to a frequency, a logic/light line, and other non-physical properties that govern its breath (lifecycle) as well as aspects of its lifecycle. Processes and procedures would represent non-physical thoughts in this analysis and would be differentiated by a analyses of the vibrational nature of the individual expression. This would be much like a crystallization of its inner resonance as each vibration has an inner resonance that reveals its nature as a spirit (life) form.
More research is needed regarding the science of mind, mathematics, philosophy, and especially logic and computer science (programming) in order to isolate the subtle reality involved in the apparent phenomenon of the material dimensions.
Animals evolve through desire. Desire is the word we call emotion. The source of desire is passion. Passion is an inherently infinite dimension of pleasure. Animals do not comprehend the depth of pleasure, but they have desires through which they evolve. Animals, thus, do have emotion and its opposite indifference which is rejection and coldness. Desire is always expanding and then burning out into indifference as the expression ceases to have any meaning. The pleasure of passion guides the development of all beings until they are able to experience passion in its complete bloom as beings of conscience. It could be said that animals have a passion for eating and reproducing, as we all do. An animal, however, may feel, but it cannot feel that it feels because it is still lacking the self reflective function of sentient consciousness. An animal, in other words, cannot use divine guidance for self reflection because it lacks the vision to do so. An animal does not have an inner eye "I" with which to observe itself and reflect on its experience. An animal, in other words, does not think about itself or how it thinks. Animals do not ask questions. Animals do observe and they do have a simple language which they use to communicate with each other (except for Humpback Whales which have a very complex language and highly complex communication).
Animals have a mask and an ego which they are in the process of developing. Because they do not have an immortal soul (a soul which knows of infinite life), they do not have a child aspect in their consciousness. The child aspect is formed in the animal soul only towards the very end of its evolution when it is allowed into a sentient evolution, at which point it is in the process of birthing a conscience and becoming a sentient being. While the animal soul is not immortal (as in waking immortality in the other side), it does not cease to exist until the animal soul births a sentient human soul. A complete human soul has 5 aspects, and the animal soul only 2. The soul in between the two evolutions has 3, up to the child. Plants, incidentally, do not have waking egos, but egos in a dream state.
The biosphere is a far greater treasure to our planet than what lies beneath the ground (other than the entire physical planet itself which is required to support it). It is delicate and fragile, but resilient to heal. Planets without biospheres are less important to the cosmos than those with biospheres.
Collective karma exists between different animal and human groups. Collective karma is separate from individual karma. All larger systems beyond the individual have collective karma. Collective karma is processed through the individual and the collective.
During evolution, animal groups evolve through karmic segregation and the emergence of new animal group spirits. These are referred to as species, genus, family, order, phylum, and kingdom. Such karmic segregation occurred during the emergence of homo sapiens from earlier proto-humans.
The dark soul is the representative of the whole of the animal kingdom's karma condensed into a single individual as it takes responsibility for consuming its karma to give birth to a sentient soul body. This being is, again, like an orc or "wolf man".
1. New Idea - The electrical activity in the brain creates a grid of electrical activity held in place by brain cells. These cells do move in response to electrical activity as new connections can be formed. The electricity itself may be the link to understanding consciousness and the ordered states of thought and experience.